On this page you will find everything required in regards to preparing for death, from both a Shi’a perspective, as well as a practical one. It includes download resources, books, useful links, & seminars addressing:
- The immediate moments following the death of a loved one
- Detailed explanations of funeral processes and rituals
- End of life decisions (DNR etc)
- Organ Donation
- Writing a Will
- Kafan
- How to perform ghusl-e-mayyit
- Q&A sessions
Death, Ghusl & Kafan Seminar & Q&A
End of Life Decisions Seminar & Q&A
Post-death Instructions & Kafan/Ghusl Demonstration & Q&A
(play from 1h 37m)
Print and fill out this form, and keep it in a safe place. It is required at the time of death, so it would be beneficial for loved ones to have it ready beforehand.
Writing an Islamic Will – Visit www.al-m.ca/will for resources on preparing your will before you pass. It includes a book on writing an Islamic will, a seminar & Q&A video, and an interactive form that will allow you to create your own will.
For Greater Toronto Area residents / ISIJ members:
Visit www.jaffari.org/funeral to connect with the Jaffari Funeral Services, a group of committed volunteers who carry out funeral services for the Shi’a community. Their resources include contact information in case of a death, cemetery locations, related forms to download and fill out, and a directory of Marhumeen.