Taharat un Nisa – Ritual Ablutions for Women

Book and free download by Maulana S.M. Rizvi

Knowing the Islamic rulings regarding monthly periods, or pre- and post-natal bleeding is an essential duty of every Muslim woman. However the lack of a comprehensive resource in English on this subject matter has made access to these laws almost impossible for those who are unfamiliar with Arabic, Persian, or Urdu.

This is largely due to the fact that open discussion on this and similar subjects are considered ‘taboo’. This is compounded by the complexity of the laws regarding the vast differences for women and their menstrual cycles. As a result, many writers have been discouraged from dealing with this subject matter comprehensively.

However, Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi has accomplished this task by simplifying the laws of the shari’ah for women in an easy to understand guide. It consists of three main sections: (1) Menstruation, (2) Irregular bleeding, and (3) Post-Natal Bleeding.

Commonly asked questions, detailed definitions, clear charts, and easy-to-read explanations are some of the contents that make this an invaluable guide for every practicing Muslimah.

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