This is the biography of ‘The Shining Star’ (’Akhtar-e-Tabaan’) which rose in Bihar (India), radiated across the Indian subcontinent, and illuminated the path of many Africans towards Shī‘a Islam. Through his pen, he lit the lamp of Shī‘ism across continents and oceans, from Indonesia, to Guyana, to Europe, and beyond.

‘Allāmah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi was confronted by many dark clouds: unfamiliar lands, languages, cultures, opposition, prejudice, politics, & more. However, his luminosity pierced through, overcoming all hurdles in his path of tabligh.

Hopefully, reading his life’s story will re-energize your spirit to serve the cause of Islam, even when challenges come your way.

This book hopes to demonstrate that if a person is equipped with true knowledge, a spirit of perseverance and sincerity, God will grant him tawfiq and success.

ISBN 9780920675854. Copyright 2021, Al-Ma’arif Publications, All rights reserved.

Introductory Video by Maulana S.M. Rizvi

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Funeral Ceremony

Documentary on Allamah Rizvi

Conversation with the Author